News From Crane China
Crane China Participated in the 8th E.G.G. Walkathon to Support Chunhui

May 12, 2018 · Shanghai Pudong, in this memorialday for the 10th anniversary of the Wen Chuan Earthquake, CraneChina jointly with Chunhui Children’s Foundation for the first timeparticipated in the 8th E.G.G. Walkathon hosted by Shanghai UnitedFoundation. 6 Crane China associates from various business units, together withnear 4000 participants, challenged themselves and successfully completed a 50kilometers hiking within 12 hours to raise money from network.
Since 2011, through the great achievement of 19,687 E.G.G. Walkathonparticipants, more than RMB43.48 millions fund has been raised to help childrenin need from 0-18 years old. These charity programs aim to improve the childrenbenefits from 4 aspects, providing them with better health & nutrition,education & development, safety & protection, and a harmoniousenvironment. As of 24:00 May 12, Crane China team has raised RMB77,745.64, insupport of Chunhui China Care Home (CCH) in Beijing, which provides individualtreatment plans and loving roundthe-clock pre- and post-surgery care formedically fragile children from child welfare institutions all across China.
Since the company was founded in 1855, our founder RichardTeller Crane always put in mind philanthropy and social responsibilities. Over100 years, a powerful aspect of Crane’s history and future is the Crane Funds -three independent charitable programs which provide assistance to Craneemployees and their families, to our local communities, to educationalinstitutions and to worldwide relief efforts. Each of the Craneassociates is very proud of this meaningful component of our culture, inkeeping with the philanthropic nature of Richard Teller Crane who laid thegroundwork for the widespread support we are able to extend today.